Make Your Gender Reveal One You'll Never Forget

Creating The Perfect Gender Reveal
When it comes to having a baby and finding out the gender, you can't help but want to make an impact, especially if you're throwing a party. If you search online for gender reveal ideas, you'll find a variety of options, but there may be one you haven't considered: gender reveal powder cannons and gender reveal smoke bombs.
Picture this: it's your gender reveal party, you're hanging out in the backyard or the pavilion of your venue. All of a sudden a plume of blue (or pink) smoke saturates the air. Surprise you're having a boy (or girl)! What better way to add fun to the event? Of course, there are a few different ways you can implement them.
Make It a T-Shirt Party
A T-shirt party, you ask? Yes! When you invite all of your guests to the party, tell them to wear a plain white t-shirt. Make it even more fun and don't clue them in as to why. The entire party leading up to the gender reveal powder bomb event you'll hear them talking amongst each other, wondering what's the deal with the white shirts.
When it's time to do the reveal, invite them to stand around you and your partner in a circle, as close as they can comfortably get without being in the way. As the bomb goes off, the powder will fall all the way around you, painting those pristine white shirts in unique patterns. Think tie dye, but cleaner.
Then, after you're done with the congratulations and happy cheers, capture the moment by having everyone take a photo to commemorate the event. Don't worry too much about those white shirts, either. The powder bombs are water-soluble, which means one wash cycle and they are back to normal. All of our gender reveal powder bombs are made with rice water making them completely safe for use.
Book a Photo Shoot
If you're not one to host a party, or don't want to involve friends and family in the event, it's perfectly understandable! Powder bombs for gender reveal can be just between you and your partner as well as your other kids. Make it fun and memorable by hiring a photographer to capture the moment. Be sure they get shots before, during and after the reveal. You can have it in your backyard or even head to any outdoor location such as a park, beach or scenic area in your neighborhood.
You can even schedule it as a pregnancy photo shoot, with the added bonus of the reveal. Have the photographer take a few shots of the expectant mom before bringing the dad and other kids into the picture. When you're ready to do the reveal, let your photographer know and pop those cannons right into the air. If they time the shot right, you'll have pictures of the cannon exploding, your initial reactions and then all the happiness that ensues. Added bonus? You have a photo for your wall and a great story to tell your child when they grow up.
Surprise Your Partner
If you've already found out the gender, because you just couldn't wait, you can still spring the element of surprise on your partner with one of our many gender reveal ideas. Take your partner outside and hand them the cannon to set off. One of the benefits to this method is you can focus on their reaction. Because you will already know, your attention is solely on them.
If you both know the gender, you can still host the reveal party for your family and friends. Keep the gender tight-lipped and then at the party, literally spring the reveal on your guests. Watch their reactions and bask in the happiness with them as the powder settles. You will not regret the joy you can bring to your friends and family with a gender reveal celebration.
Perks of Powder Cannons and Bombs
There are a wide array of ideas out there, but so many perks to using a gender reveal powder cannon or colored smoke bombs for gender reveal. They're made with water-soluble materials so they don't harm the environment and best of all, you don't have to worry about any messy cleanup! Just let Mother Nature handle of the outdoors and your washing machine take care of any clothing that you sully.
When it comes to gender reveal ideas, there's no better way to be surprised than by a plume of colored powder that leaves no question as to whether you're having a boy or girl. If you're having twins, you can double the fun, especially if you're having one of each. Whether you involve your family and friends, or keep it as a private event, one thing's for sure: it's bound to be a memory you'll never forget!