Gender Reveal Gift Ideas

Gender reveal celebrations are a popular way to welcome soon-to-be children. These celebrations first and foremost allow family and friends to have a good time celebrating the new child. In addition, these events help remind new parents that they are surrounded by people who care about them and who will help them raise their child. It can be easy to forget that it takes a village to raise a child and that no parent can do it all on their own.
When we host or attend a gender reveal party for someone, we may want to bring a gift. These gifts are something tangible that the new parents can treasure long after the confetti has been picked up, the decorations put away, and everyone has headed home. When choosing a gift, we can either choose a gift for the soon-to-be child or choose a gift that is aimed towards the parents themselves. Gender real gifts are great keepsakes that will always remind parents of all those who care and want only the best for them.
First Sneakers By Little Baby Kicks
Infants are adorable, and all parents know it is important to keep them all warm and snuggly. In addition to gifting traditional cute onesies, we might choose to give new parents a wide range of cute booties to help keep their darling child’s toes nice and warm. No one wants their baby to experience cold toes. There are stylish little baby kicks that match whatever outfits the new parents choose for their children. These baby crochet booties allow parents to have their children look as cute as possible
We can choose from a wide range of little baby kicks including retro baby booties that look like multicolored styles of baby booties instead. Little baby kicks come in both 0-6 month, and 6-12 month sizes. Baby booties are 100% hand-made and can be hand washed in cold water and air dried. Little baby kicks are a wonderful item to give new parents because they are practical as well as fun.
Handprint and Footprint Art
In addition to practical gifts for the new child such as little baby kicks, we can choose items that are simply wonderful keepsakes. We can give a baby handprint kit, baby footprint art kit, or a baby footprint ink kit. These kits either use clay or ink to capture the handprint or footprint of the new child. There is just something sweet about capturing a child’s mark as they embark on their lives.
Mugs For New Parents
While being a new parent is a wonderful experience, parents often find that they end up sleep deprived during the first few months. This means that many parents reach for coffee or tea each morning to make it through the day while running on little or no sleep. Knowing this we might want to give a cute but practical mug that they can use each morning when they wake up.
There are a wide range of mugs we might choose from. We could pick matching mom and dad mugs, or mom and dad established mugs. Or we might give the new parents super sweet mama bear and papa bear coffee mugs. A combination of a mug and a package of the parent’s favorite coffee or tea will be a simple but thoughtful gift that is sure to impress.
Time To Unwind
Sometimes we want to choose a gift that will keep new parents laughing as they face the challenges of being new parents. There are a wide range of mom wine glasses, queen wine glasses, or even a new parents starter kit which contains a beer glass for dad and a wine glass for mom. While being a new parent is a 24/7 job it is important to remind parents that they need to occasionally take a moment to pause and recharge if they hope to be the best parents they can be.
Giving Gifts
Little baby kicks, handprint and footprint kits, mugs, and glasses are all great options to give no matter what type of gender reveal celebration you are hosting or attending. For example, we might pair a gender reveal soccer ball with giving little baby kicks. We might pair a gender reveal canon with using a mug or glass for the toast afterwards. We might pair having the guests create a banner using their handprints with giving a baby handprint or footprint kit. In the end the more creative you can be, the better of a time everyone will have.