Gender Reveal Ideas for Husband

Surprise Gender Reveal Ideas for your Husband
Gender reveal parties have been all the rage since they were started over a decade ago. However, in many cases, the gender reveal is all about the family or the mother-to-be. Whether you know the gender of your baby and are looking to surprise your husband, or you have a secret keeper, and it's going to be a surprise for you as well, many wives want the gender reveal finale to be geared towards the dad-to-be.
If you think about it, the entire pregnancy is centered around you, because after all, you have the most exciting part nestled inside you, waiting to join you and dad in this big world. For most of the pregnancy, fathers are on the outside looking in. From the doctor's visits to telling family and from the baby showers you're sure to be given by family and friends, expectant dads are often left out.
So, if you want the big moment to be all about the expectant father, we have a few gender reveal ideas to get you started.
Gender Reveal Baseball
Men and women alike are sitting in front of the TV or even in the stands on baseball season's opening day. If your partner lives and breathes baseball, then a gender reveal baseball theme might be the perfect choice. From centering the party's theme around the sport to making little pretzel bites with little baseballs on top, there's a lot that you can do to ensure your party is a success. For the big reveal, make sure to have two powder-filled baseballs on hand. You want one baseball to be blue and the other to be pink, of course.
Hand your hubby a bat, have someone pitch one of the baseballs at him. When he hits the ball with a resounding crack of the bat, the colored powder will go everywhere, telling him and everyone gathered at your gender reveal party exactly what sex your little bundle of joy is.
Gender Reveal Football
Football holds a place in the hearts of many men. If the soon-to-be dad played football in high school, goes to all the games, or is planted on the couch in time to watch every kickoff, then a gender reveal football finale will be the perfect choice to let him know the gender of your baby. Try using a theme such as touchdowns or tutus with a big banner hanging over the dessert table. For food, go with classic football game-day foods and desserts with tutus and pink for the girls, and footballs and blue for the boys.
For the big football gender reveal finale, gather everyone in the yard, and let your hubby kick, punt or spike the football! The bright blue or pink powder in the air will leave no doubt as to the gender of your baby.
Gender Reveal Golf Ball
Another popular way to reveal the gender of your child is the gender reveal golf ball. There's nothing like watching the golf ball explode on impact, letting your golf-loving husband know whether you're having a boy or a girl. Decorate for the party with a golf-themed cake and decorations that are golf-related. The crowd will stand in hushed silence so that your hubby doesn't miss the shot that will reveal the gender of your baby for all to see.
Gender Reveal Basketball
Whether your gender reveal will be a private moment just for the two of you, or the entire family will be watching, a gender reveal basketball can do the trick. The basketball filled with vibrant pink or blue powder makes a resounding pop as it explodes, letting you know instantly if you are having a boy or a girl. Let your husband be like Curry shooting a three or drunk it like Shaq!
Gender Reveal Soccer Ball
While soccer may not be one of the leading sports on TV in the U.S., if your hubby loves to play and watch the game, then a gender reveal soccer ball will be the perfect way to tell him the gender of the baby. From a black and white theme to a cake shaped like a soccer ball with pink and blue sprinkles, there's a lot you can do for a soccer-themed gender reveal party.
The goal of the night by your hubby will reveal either blue or pink powder spilling forth to let everyone know what gender you're expecting.
Burnout Gender Reveal
One of the most popular gender reveal ideas for husbands today is the gender reveal burnout. If your husband loves NASCAR, Indy Cars, Formula One or just puttering around the garage on his own classic hot rod, then the smoke of a gender reveal burnout is an exciting way to tell the gender of your child to him. Or you can even use gender reveal smoke bombs to have smoke come out of the back of his hot rod!
These are just a few of the best ways to focus on your husband during your gender reveal party and the grand finale at the end of the night.