Pregnancy Announcement 101

Gender Reveal Pregnancy Announcement
Nowadays there are so many ways to tell your family and friends about your big news! Getting ready for the arrival of your newest family member is the most exciting time of your life. Whether its unexpected or you have been preparing for for a while, there no better feeling then telling your loved ones! 9 months seems like a long time, but the baby will be here before you know it! We wanted to help give you a rundown on the how to announce your pregnancy whether at a gender reveal party or not! :)
Gender Reveal Gift
One of the most fun ways to tell family members your expecting is to buy them something! I have seen so many people buy fun and cute “ Grandma” and ‘Grandpa” mugs for their morning coffee.
Aside from mugs, you can get just about anything! A t-shirt, onesie, or even an adorable wall decor that has a cute phrase saying “The Best Parents are getting promoted to Grandparents.” You can even give a bottle of wine with a custom bottle label.
Gender Reveal Holiday Theme
Usually Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas or even Birthdays are a great way to tell your loved ones your expecting! Just about any holiday will work. Check out our Gender Reveal Celebrations Pinterest Page filled with themed baby announcements! One of our favorites is using our Gender Reveal Smoke Bombs inside a carved pumpkin to reveal the boy or girl!
Another holiday favorite is around Christmas to make your own ornaments! And of course send out your Holiday cards with your big announcement on it! Check out our Gender Reveal Celebrations Pinterest page with our favorite Holiday announcements! Birthdays can also be the perfect gifting time, so why not pair with your baby announcement!
Gender Reveal Prank
The most popular is the classic “Bun in the Oven.” Invite whoever you are going to tell and hide a bun in the oven. Once they arrive get the party started and then when no one is expecting start recording on the Iphone. Telling soon to be Grandma or Grandpa to check the oven! Sometimes it takes a couple minutes to get, but the screaming excitement afterward is totally worth it. Another fun and cute trick to tell people is to get everyone lined up for a picture and when they think your about to take it reveal your pregnant. Sayyyyy “Baby on Board” instead of say cheese!
When To Announce Your Pregnant on Social Media
Once you’ve told your closet family and friends revealing to the rest of the world is next. Have you seen these amazing pictures people are posting on social media? Some of the most popular idea are the classic “Big Brother and “Big Sister.” Taking an adorable family photo with matching “Mom”,“Dad” and “Big Brother/Sister.” Some of the big ones also involve life’s favorite little family member......your pet! Make a cute little sign that says big brothers/sister. Add one of your sonogram pictures and everyone will click the heart button on Instagram!
Of course after you reveal the big news the next step is the Gender Reveal! This is one of our favorite parts of the job. Helping you pick out the perfect reveal for you and your loved ones is our main priority. Whether your throwing a party or an intimate photo shoot just for two, we love getting you ready for that special moment when you fine out if it’s a boy or a girl!
If you need some great ideas on how to execute or use our gender reveal products, we’ll work one on one with you to make sure you are completely satisfied! We also offer custom packages if you want to work with us with our gender reveal confetti cannons or smoke bombs. Looking to do a little of everything, we can get you set up to announce your pregnancy. Even if your running a little behind, which tends to happen when your preparing for this very important arrival. We offer expedited shipping on orders and will do our best to get it to you in time! No matter what happens, at the end of the day, the most exciting part is that there will be a new family member soon and it will be so loved!