Private Gender Reveal Ideas

Gender reveal parties are all the rage these days. Family and friends of the expecting couple get together and throw a big celebration meant to serve as the stage for the big news. However, not everyone likes big get-togethers and it's perfectly fine. The good news is there's a gender reveal for everyone!
There are plenty of fun gender reveal ideas for those who prefer a private celebration, whether that be with their immediate family or just their partner. The great part is that they can use some of the same fun props a big party would have. Check out some of our favorite gender reveal ideas below!
Send Them on a Scavenger Reveal Hunt
This is one of the most enjoyable ways to reveal the gender of a baby. If you already know the sex of your munchkin but want to do something special for your partner, this is a cool idea. First, you want to set the scene by stringing up some balloons and other decorations. Then get a few envelopes and label them "clue 1" etc.
On pieces of paper, jot down some cool clues to identify places where your next clues will be. For example, your first clue might be, "Rock a bye baby on a.....," and you'd place the second clue on top of a bush or a fake tree in your home.
When you get to the location the last clue sends your partner to, you can leave a gender reveal smoke bomb and a lighter. They will set it off and learn the news — isn't that fun?
The nice part about this hunt is that a close friend or family member could set it up as well if both parents would like to be surprised.
What’s on That Gender Reveal Shirt?
T-shirt reveals are a simple and exciting way to let the cat out of the bag. This works best if mom already knows the sex of the baby. There are a few ways she can do this. One way is to buy a shirt that literally says "It's a <insert gender>!" Then mom can cover up the shirt with a jacket or sweater and whip it off when she is ready to let her partner know the big secret.
Another to do is by buying a baby outfit for whatever sex the tiny human is and placing it in a gift bag. The couple can open it together and find out whether or not they're decorating a blue room or a pink one.
This way is also a lot of fun with siblings as well. They can wear shirts that correspond with the gender of the baby or open up the bag with the little outfit in it. Kids absolutely love to help reveal secrets so it's a really good idea to involve them if the new baby has siblings. Imagine how cute they'll be when they tell the rest of the family about it.
Boy or Girl Surprise Cake for Two
Did you think we forgot about cake?! Absolutely not!
Cake is almost universally loved and it is one of the best ways to reveal the gender of the baby, even during a small, private event. One of the reasons is that the expecting couple can hand an envelope to the bakery and they can make the cake for the parents.
The cake can be filled with colored candy that corresponds with the gender of the shiny new baby. When the parents cut into the treat, the sweet treats will pour out and SURPRISE! The lucky parents will learn what sex their tiny human is. Another really popular way to do it is to have the baker color the inside of the cake so the revelation happens when the baked good is cut into.
Private Confetti Party
Confetti is one of the most popular methods to let everyone know what the gender of the baby is going to be. It's not difficult to understand why since confetti is so much fun! What party, even a private one, is complete without it?
Gender reveal confetti cannons are a fantastic way to make the big reveal. All the parents have to do is take the top off of these nifty props and push the stick upward. Suddenly confetti will fill the air and they'll know what direction to go in when trying to figure out a name for their little blessing. We also have our Gender Reveal Powder Cannons if you're looking for an easier cleanup. Our Gender Reveal Smoke Cannon is made with 100% Natural Holi Powder.
All of these ideas are fun and can be done in an intimate setting. Whichever one the new parents choose will be perfect because they are learning one of the most exciting secrets of their life. Good luck and don’t forget to snap some pictures!